A downloadable mod

Welcome to the Blood Tributary, a short, intense Doom II map focused on wading through rivers of blood. You must traverse deadly terrain, slice through hordes of enemies and navigate deadly obstacles to reach the exit. As the level evolves, so must you---you will be forced to utilize different weapons and strategies to survive each encounter.

All told, this map represents roughly 3 weeks of intense work from me, including some time spent learning Doom Builder 2. After spending years modding for modern Doom games, this is my first foray into classic Doom mapping, and I am absolutely in love with it and plan on doing more. As with my previous project ('Blood Sacrifice') where I spent weeks working with TrenchBroom and learning Quake mapping, this has been an absolute blast of an experience, and I hope everyone enjoys the result.


blood_tributary.wad 1 MB

Install instructions

To play, simply drag 'blood_tributary.wad' over your GZDoom.exe. If asked which Doom game to choose from, select Doom II. Select your skill level at the main menu like normal, and when the game starts, simply type 'idclev07' (idclev is the level warp cheat, 07 selects map 07.) 

That's it!

Some quick notes:

  • Requires doom2.WAD.
  • I'd strongly recommend playing it with the latest version of GZDoom(version 4.12.1), as this is what I've been testing it on. You may have issues with other source ports. You can download the latest GZDoom here: ZDoom - Downloads
  • Only 1 map long, playtime is estimated at 10-20 minutes.
  • Map is designed for pistol start.
  • Replaces map 07 (for engine-specific reasons).
  • For experienced or veteran classic Doom players, 'Ultra-Violence' should be an appropriate skill setting. for classic Doom newbies, I'd recommend 'Hurt Me Plenty.'

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